This now is an introduction to my Laegna system. It’s practically designed math - where the scientific world might benefit from limitless infinities, they must consider that for their own practical purposes they need a real number. My number are charged with symbolic energy.

What the Laegna documents cover and how to classify them:

Basis of 2, 4 and 16

Basis of laegna system is either 2 (A and O) to divide four number into any set of opposites, starting from ones having equal number of polar elements and some expressible, simple Laegna linear connection.

Even if I die, I want win, as I conclude the Viking gene in me where indeed I see this in Buddhist religion, even higher than this life in reality, but integral to complete pattern where some form of “meness” would appear; let’s call it reincarnations or let’s use more fundamental concept of oscillations of karma, of causes and effect, into the same reasons to enlighten certain labeled parts of this universal energy of conceptual life, forming some identities of the same, evolving class where I might even be aware, as a fundamental cause and effect of me appears in the same field, how the karmic effects come back; but otherwise the karma might appear in similar people in society, but without having heaenly reasons my altruist reasons would be social, and still I want to give back to the original seed of the energy, a Christian karmic principle to express this - thus, the basis of my mathematics, as given here, is a compressed form of some repeating patterns and meanings in my math; thus, inspired by this work you would reach, over many generations, definitely to my math, and as it’s also symbolic and inspired, and numbers are meant to be used also intuitively and symbolically - you can find your own fruits of math creation. As well, learning this your senses would open and you would see this math in all my inspirational work, connecting also to sources. Indeed, if I have time in my life for more complete Laegna system, but it needs to be more concrete, less intuitive and more like a system we can use; and on this level I give you the first 3 classes, where reading, writing and basic calculus is studied.

16 numbers on 2 complex axes:

-2 -1 1 2
-2 I J K L
-1 O P Q R
1 A B C D
2 E F G H

Where X is the area in these numbers; and where U and V or upside-down U would add more axes, as well as letters after U; and S T and M N form some area of special meaning. U is zero, and under the zero there is another dimension, new information bits; also V is infinity, and where the numbers never reach the infinity opens - going inside, there is new reality. To reach more opposite numbers, or the ones which see our positive numbers as negative, you go up and down on the same axe, now using + and - for E and I octaves, instead of using * and / for and O - usually, O and A are - and +, I and E being / and *, but obviously, crossing this line of infinity we see them in opposite direction; Laegna operation of having them on the same line depends on the theorem - here, the actual direction of these relations is unknown, where the velocity vs. acceleration is measured; when the same axe meets itself in counter way, we call it “r” switching, with R with special mark of two positions swapping - we have, aligned with theorem, the axe and R switched axe aligned, and now it’s again full numbers. Because I and E are really different, where O and A are rather different components, sometimes O and A form a space of two components of this number field, and a neutral relation where I and E marks good and bad.

Complex numbers, indeed, are not linear, but they are central to attract the quality of infinity.

2, 4, 16 - in binary system you see the logarithms written as whole numbers, along with exponential levels. 2 happens on both scale and plus/minus opposition in 4 numbers positive and negative, and continues this relation. In 16, the reality is completely inversed upwards once you meet V in the other end, and free axes or qualitative change is formed, being able to express complex language constructs (where each letter has a meaning based on sound, form and it’s mathematical positioning in number complex, where the additional axe forms almost a contradiction, or otherwise a synergy or exponent from the same space, but logical effect forming exponent number of connections reconnecting to itself).

2, in relation to 1, needs for 1 a multiplicator of infinity; even normal multiplicator is not enough but at least on infinitesimal upwards would accelerate it a little; still, rather multiplication than division, in Laegna, is necessarily growing and not static in philosophical matters related to math with some effort, a conscious view of numbers. Limit in the end of infinity, where no number would reach it, it is at least one infinitesimal apart from the “last number” you can form, something really existing in unlimited infinity - where you create a circle, as larger you make it, as closer you get to infinity; you need to enchance your coordinate system - typical trick of Laegna, and you can reach there straight from conception of Octaves and coordinate systems appearing, some might help you and one is special, perfect for this relation. Rather I give it philosophically, as Laegna is young or creative and numbers very expressive, I work creatively on single numbers like Tanel Tammet, being an autist (not very much into spectrum, tough, as I was told in school); so in different conditions of matter and mind, some numbers resolve the theorems in relation to some other theorems, and I cannot give so simple algorithm for each case than the philosophical idea of geometric connection standing on it’s own like projective geometry, a tricky way to solve some important math problems without calculating, on paper with circle and a ruler and pencil etc.

The limit disappears where the same oscillation is lost into much more complex, bigger and accelerating oscillations; the creative function near infinity limits is suddenly very close to simple adding and subtraction, the velocity or low-frequency number (higher frequencies move towards acceleration, where the space over infinity only allows acceleration and speed is under zero, in the range from A to E, smallest and largest angle).

In Logecs Logecs or Logecs when you mean specifically the simple case, Laegna Logic, usually the numbers are ordered so: in number AOA, A is the most important and others not, but when the others can be changed with A remaining A or becoming E in case E is not posetive here, and with sharp infinity angles U and V, the smaller positions are cancelled by bigger. Thus, to achieve more normal number effects, you go one octave down or mention to use the same proportions to achieve exact effects; small r is usually used for these projective coordinates, because big R is infinities square on complex axe, so powerful number that completely new information bits, a free component or channel of possible frequencies definitely appears.

In Logecs Mathematecs, Laegna Mathemathecs, each number is symmetrical to it’s number axe - when you look from the other side of infinity, where on imaginary point V of all the limits numbers meet again in higher octave, creating an angle with new axe bits in the middle and connecting rather the limit values; keeping the original directions (not opposite, like - ending with +, which is a decimal Latin Latin problem); those symmetries meet infinities at infinities. when E is repeated in content and length, number squared or taken into fourth exponent level, the infinity side would close; and for V it’s most interesting what’s the exterior value of this number, where the interior value is sub-zero and not contained in X.

Z contains the sub-zero, and Y is above the infinity; Z is also past, the calculations which do not yet provide the solutions, investments not yet earning; where X is the active process on axes, which also hold here and now; and Y is the dimension where a good quality finally closes it’s Truth and evolves it’s Patterns, creating it’s conscious reality perhaps, which can not be lost because of Sanity meeting the Truth in Living Beings or in the Sum of Reality, Synchronicity or God, even if the Synchronicity has evolved and forms from patterns, directions and resolutions to unknowns satisfying the good fortune in every possible case; Y is when it’s closed, and when you affect some Y value in positive direction, other numbers almost cannot be compared - where you get lost in yang, the ideal, it suddenly breaks and you see that you need to be aware on the local direction, using the Root chakra to complement the Crown.