This now is an introduction to my Laegna system. It’s practically designed math - where the scientific world might benefit from limitless infinities, they must consider that for their own practical purposes they need a real number. My number are charged with symbolic energy.
What the Laegna documents cover and how to classify them:
- This document itself is introduction to Laegna, and Spireason or Laegna Spireason. It wants to build the important theorems, parts in special blocks with Lamps in interface; it removes the complexities and reduces it into theorems, introductions to related materials - also rather simplistic, or in case of Tao and I Ching only the simplistic view of factual material of having 4 related symbols is used, not necessarily the full deep content in first place. Theorems are surrounded by related materials. While Laegna is the basis for Logecs and Linguistic enchancements of Language to support 4-based logic and related linguistic structures; Spireason is reasoning inpired by Laegna math and intellectuality, and connecting spirituality with reason. In this document, the spiritual reasoning creates a small model world of theorem framework, where it does not “know” what is not available for the first basic introduction. For example, we don’t know in this part, whether consciousness exists, because based on even human structure of atoms and electrons, we don’t see any clear attribute to just prove this in terms of simple “squares of logic and circles of math”; so this is the introduction and here we “know” rather Laegna basics, and for proofs we build very simple machines. As this is not any deep search for consciousness, but rather the theorematic framework which appeared when simplifying something complex and reducing it to rather trivial information, not losing it’s balance but having an “axiomatic system” - some base theorems, lamped blocks, explained around with necessary background even from western rather pre-Laegna philosophy, mystics and logic; the skeleton or back-bone appears here. Leaving out the complexities of math and life, this should be pre-school thing which even children would understand; for example simulated machines are simple and can be replaced with cartoons, movies or stories, where the deduction is simple and it’s rather illustrated well, than filled with all the reasons - I don’t see why you cannot express so simple thing with illustrations and a few words, or why I could not understand the theorem of karma and nature of life when pre-school. Also, these things here could be quite directly translated to Coq or Isabelle, as they lack some deep content, and look like proofs of meaning of life or other things, which rather follow theorems of biology, of systems, than deep introspections of nature of consciousness. One proof, also, instead of heavy numbers tends to contain one or oppose two conceptions, with two or three additional details, and so simple systems could be understood by children as base of their lessons. Spireason basics, being so simple could be so trivially come from Logecs that it’s also base theory of Laegna - but still, Laegna is also a free system of math and language, where specific proofs could be replaced with better proofs and more decent theories without any part of the language itself getting lost.
- “Welcome to Spireason!” - this is a list of articles here, which are part of my Spireasons website. This website is for intelligent or genius, where normal users cannot read a sentence very clearly and tend to express this. This is the “genius” of me, where I wrote deep, compressed text in mode of heavy contemplation, and while this time I am not so sure it does not matter whether consciousness exists - I do enter the rather mystical world and while it’s mostly scientifically corrects, there are also intuitive contemplations, which have to be worded clearly to give the right level of assertiveness and doubt. The website is closed for new documents as this is the complete set of something I wanted to express; each document has like a “diagonal” line I envisioned, to completely give you one full idea; ideas together contribute a balanced, good introduction, and deeper and more spiritual than the base logical introduction in this file; whereas, theorems in this text are very good background to read those texts in their deeper advancement.
- “Laegna Base Alphabet” is another essential part of Laegna, introducing the letters, their combinatorics and it’s relations to number, geometrical and imaginative space. There, the most core definitions of numbers and letter meanings, as well as definitions to analyze any Laegna word through it’s base matrix (”scientific numerology” of Laegna) and psychological implications. Where different Laegna systems are numerically different, a normalized number would have standardized psychological consequences, such as EEE or EEEE looking like very good situation, where their numeric value can vary depending on operations you can do with coordinate systems and number representations. Any number is simultaneously a number (constant value where the name defines the value) and a variable - the digits appear normally, as in “aa” would be two digits of “a”, and as such mean a minimum number possible with precision of two digits, where you can divide positive numbers into 4 and thus, it spans 1/4 lower area of the number or points to it’s lower end, being equal to “a”, “aaa”, but with different level of preciseness as “aaaa” would have 1/16 area at the bottom, closer to zero (continuous number) or one (discrete Laegna number), while the point location at the bottom is still the same limit, basically zero, but as Laegna numbers have point acceleration (Theorem: if a number is continuously curved, implicatively each point is curved); here the Gauss system would measure the limits of angles, but when the points must have point-static velocity, acceleration and any parameter, being one digit like 0 instead of two digits like Aa around null, which is the lower limit of positive numbers with precision R=2 (R is normally the container area of the number and computations with it affect the number space in the same direction, not opposite as it numerically creates a mirage as space coordinates being reflected to object coordinates in it, which can ruin the mathematics if you have fluctuations of random reflectiations in the actual number format; for this, subsequentially, R=T which means number and it’s axe are not in opposite direction, nor does the complete space coordinate differ from actual position in any measure of distance, direction, or even numeric value if you are able to carry the object- or concept-based R and L (another opposite of R, which will choose it’s direction based on it’s relation to L, not T, now, which means opposites in Laegna are not binary, static pairs, but inherent dynamics of dispositions and relations) calculation to the end with either R or L container - indeed, you can calculate L as rather global number, which means you make a space-separated list of infinity [perhaps short, discrete infinity] of R coordinates or object values in R container, and L would then be this object as seen from higher octave, where it looks like an average of the numbers, but you can have same number of digits as in original numbers, componentize it back to original object system or unitary framework, and now the L values are in R container - in your left-wing, socialist, communist or for example polite, diplomatic, business-friendly attitude, or professional ambient appearing in the office; each of given examples is L value as it’s not made in direct exchange of energies between specific persons, but a professional keeps holistic image of the business and progresses towards it’s legal, rich and highly (business low class could have low taste of pleasures) enjoyable / pleasurable ambient; this means they are collaboratively sharing the resources, such as opening a door without getting definite equivalent value in the short time from the same person). L exists in time and space - you have some sharings with your future and past selves with their resources, work and potentials or investment values “from” the future altering it’s current values in more realistic terms (wrongly attributing the future and past and present success creates a “loan”, where you can sense futurism, currentism, outdatedness, in the way that the balancing of loan values appears in each direction and a decent science would work better, than past science, and use of might be more realistic than use of potential future sciences; but then in logical system you move in time, and subsequently meet different people, conditions and places). For example if you destroy a person, who wants to give you good idea for a life, innovative practical solution for your business, but you do not engage but destroy the person for appearing better than you, there would be instant karmic consequences in terms of money. The real, present value accounts for all it’s interactions of past, of future, of you and of the environment, and it’s actual value can be different from it’s written value, so that it shifts to negotive (I or Ì would ignore and destroy useful values, have lower price or payback than actual price or payback, where rare case of Í would be dangerous achievement like climb mount everest, which you get awarded for the first time of history, your life or your local group without other alternatives; the Í value then shifts to O as the coordinate system would extend with accepting numbers of longer digits into the countable sphere of it’s precision level, which means your root chakra frequency is raising; normally you would do just a forest trip and survive some cold air and the crazy dangerous thing would be nettles, which might be how you do it instead of climbing to Mount Everest, especially for the first time) or posetive (E or È - altough E is sometimes in place of É as non-accented symbols use the surrounding accents and context of the sentence, even the listener’s attitude who might be risk-taker or a risk-averse person - would advertise non-useful values, believe in unrecognized / undeserved sucess, have higher price or payback or estimation than actual price or payback or estimation; here É means grand success, which is rather not draining and temporary experience for long recovering, like a marathon would be for many, but it’s the direct source of luck such as earning your first million in business-unfriendly environment, but then rather within the good frames of your house, car, salary and wife to be completely ÉÉÉÉÉ, where sometimes you write each digit sentence of correlated numbers into one number, and projecting a cycle pattern of local XYZ shifts, zoom them into normalized coordinates - XYZ, while able to move a number globally, are mathematically trivially - in other words, small case xyz to discriminate - able to create pattern of each digit having it’s little XYZ component of frequency or time-attitude shift, where the big axe of XYZ would still exist and create a constant shift factor for these values, for example past evolutionary phase has more Z values of rather future-becoming, where our creative genius has rather Y values of rather being now in the past of their actual knowledge state / stage; the system for digitizing in terms of rather information units than their linear symmetries means that while Mathematecs is fine for their number representation, the complexity of the digits is rather handled in Logecs, which sees just a sequence of truth values where mathematecs sees a complex spatial and numeral multiplier for the number, which is elegant for calculations but not easy for defining your number freely).. well in short: you make depts and paybacks in R of your own life, it’s timeline of current reincarnation or all reincarnations (buddhist, spiritual) or sources (atheist); you do it in social sphere where the dept and payback is with other people; and you do it in history where the karma relates to your influence of time and it’s back-influence on you; in each case, the mathematical value’s ability to be equal with itself will change.
- The rest of texts:
- With help of AI, adding additional texts, I made more readable and fluent materials. Where the same topic is repeated with different readability and intelligence rate, an AI can analyze them, draw parallels and deduce the meaning from variety of representations, gaining good knowledge; for example, based on this it can explain the website - the website is structured actually into “simple” and “complex” part, where the same documents, mostly, are repeated with two levels of complexity, where simpler can explain the more complex and the more complex can create rather wholistic image of something structured.
- The protection of Laegna genius:
- My genius is little pained for the feedback of more traditional minds. I think, if Laegna is going to open the minds, everybody is genius - achieving something the ones who did not like my philosophy and did not come the long journey with us, the philosophers of this generation; they would feel left out and create the Posetive state, Negotive to us (Laegna truth values) - posetive is fakery, but negotive is fakery once one understands this; posetive is the effect on others, who wanted better but were suspressed, starting to go and dreaming of better story; posetive is the extent by which they overestimated them, or by which assumption of the natural flow without obstacle could be overestimating the situation.
- Socrates story of this part resembles how the world sees, when we go deeper and their learnt habits are endangered. Throughout my life I am more and more sure that this effect is substantial and the french revolution, nietzhe or cogress of vienna did not stop this. In this story the old generation goes into posetive - as good people in Position go straight, but entering on Position, come out in Posetion of their original value, you can also say Roposetion or Rosedriad, where this happens on R - your value changes with the space moving - and not T - that you fall yourself, changing your logic to have different assumptions.
- Fairy tales of similar situations of societies going to posetive, where the roles change and one can see significant means to Laegna - old men, once Position now turn into Posetion by Rosedriad or Roposetion, without changes in them, but the change reflect the changing world, the context (which is rather “driad” or “ro” - R meaning the space or the context, and o means “basis” or here, “logic” as it’s own second digit after “l” is “o” (+ “gecs”🙂)); in these stories, people go into posetions, and when resolving to positions the posetions solve, and Laegna logecs describes it well while with binary “true” and “false”, nothing specifically logical happens to explain it clearly in primitive terms or tautologies. By this, Laegna is powerful in expressing life in terms of logic - the logex machine of life simulations (to be created to have more proofs here with programs; I have simulated only some variables and rather the results are trivial, mentally understandable). Posetion and Power of Negative thought are also described, with connections to life, in separate document - it’s rather clear how Negative and Negotive affect our lifes, but how Posetive can be fatal and not just failure of Position is important; indeed it’s visible it’s only a matter of losing some opportunity to turn Position into Posetion; and if it’s by evil will or deeds, the evil one is at the Negotion position, whereas you have to solve the appearing Position - Negotion, often, is the force not meant to be on that position, which relatively turns another, better will, into posetion; as the same kind of collective fall would be posetion for those, who wanted better, and negation by those, who followed the outdated and weak manner. Sinus, related meditations, even the explanation of spiritual war, where one plays, by signs, the negative situations in symbols against your mistake and at the same time rewards the synergistic move by love - in diplomatic view of reflecting both position and negation, posetion and negotion, to outlooks, which appear real in reality and bring the actual reality closer where it would take time, still being respectful. This is the attitude similar to old one, but as I grow I see it in bigger intensity.
- I will add more documents.
Basis of 2, 4 and 16
Basis of laegna system is either 2 (A and O) to divide four number into any set of opposites, starting from ones having equal number of polar elements and some expressible, simple Laegna linear connection.
Even if I die, I want win, as I conclude the Viking gene in me where indeed I see this in Buddhist religion, even higher than this life in reality, but integral to complete pattern where some form of “meness” would appear; let’s call it reincarnations or let’s use more fundamental concept of oscillations of karma, of causes and effect, into the same reasons to enlighten certain labeled parts of this universal energy of conceptual life, forming some identities of the same, evolving class where I might even be aware, as a fundamental cause and effect of me appears in the same field, how the karmic effects come back; but otherwise the karma might appear in similar people in society, but without having heaenly reasons my altruist reasons would be social, and still I want to give back to the original seed of the energy, a Christian karmic principle to express this - thus, the basis of my mathematics, as given here, is a compressed form of some repeating patterns and meanings in my math; thus, inspired by this work you would reach, over many generations, definitely to my math, and as it’s also symbolic and inspired, and numbers are meant to be used also intuitively and symbolically - you can find your own fruits of math creation. As well, learning this your senses would open and you would see this math in all my inspirational work, connecting also to sources. Indeed, if I have time in my life for more complete Laegna system, but it needs to be more concrete, less intuitive and more like a system we can use; and on this level I give you the first 3 classes, where reading, writing and basic calculus is studied.
16 numbers on 2 complex axes:
-2 |
-1 |
1 |
2 |
-2 |
I |
J |
K |
L |
-1 |
O |
P |
Q |
R |
1 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
2 |
E |
F |
G |
H |
Where X is the area in these numbers; and where U and V or upside-down U would add more axes, as well as letters after U; and S T and M N form some area of special meaning. U is zero, and under the zero there is another dimension, new information bits; also V is infinity, and where the numbers never reach the infinity opens - going inside, there is new reality. To reach more opposite numbers, or the ones which see our positive numbers as negative, you go up and down on the same axe, now using + and - for E and I octaves, instead of using * and / for and O - usually, O and A are - and +, I and E being / and *, but obviously, crossing this line of infinity we see them in opposite direction; Laegna operation of having them on the same line depends on the theorem - here, the actual direction of these relations is unknown, where the velocity vs. acceleration is measured; when the same axe meets itself in counter way, we call it “r” switching, with R with special mark of two positions swapping - we have, aligned with theorem, the axe and R switched axe aligned, and now it’s again full numbers. Because I and E are really different, where O and A are rather different components, sometimes O and A form a space of two components of this number field, and a neutral relation where I and E marks good and bad.
Complex numbers, indeed, are not linear, but they are central to attract the quality of infinity.
2, 4, 16 - in binary system you see the logarithms written as whole numbers, along with exponential levels. 2 happens on both scale and plus/minus opposition in 4 numbers positive and negative, and continues this relation. In 16, the reality is completely inversed upwards once you meet V in the other end, and free axes or qualitative change is formed, being able to express complex language constructs (where each letter has a meaning based on sound, form and it’s mathematical positioning in number complex, where the additional axe forms almost a contradiction, or otherwise a synergy or exponent from the same space, but logical effect forming exponent number of connections reconnecting to itself).
2, in relation to 1, needs for 1 a multiplicator of infinity; even normal multiplicator is not enough but at least on infinitesimal upwards would accelerate it a little; still, rather multiplication than division, in Laegna, is necessarily growing and not static in philosophical matters related to math with some effort, a conscious view of numbers. Limit in the end of infinity, where no number would reach it, it is at least one infinitesimal apart from the “last number” you can form, something really existing in unlimited infinity - where you create a circle, as larger you make it, as closer you get to infinity; you need to enchance your coordinate system - typical trick of Laegna, and you can reach there straight from conception of Octaves and coordinate systems appearing, some might help you and one is special, perfect for this relation. Rather I give it philosophically, as Laegna is young or creative and numbers very expressive, I work creatively on single numbers like Tanel Tammet, being an autist (not very much into spectrum, tough, as I was told in school); so in different conditions of matter and mind, some numbers resolve the theorems in relation to some other theorems, and I cannot give so simple algorithm for each case than the philosophical idea of geometric connection standing on it’s own like projective geometry, a tricky way to solve some important math problems without calculating, on paper with circle and a ruler and pencil etc.
The limit disappears where the same oscillation is lost into much more complex, bigger and accelerating oscillations; the creative function near infinity limits is suddenly very close to simple adding and subtraction, the velocity or low-frequency number (higher frequencies move towards acceleration, where the space over infinity only allows acceleration and speed is under zero, in the range from A to E, smallest and largest angle).
In Logecs Logecs or Logecs when you mean specifically the simple case, Laegna Logic, usually the numbers are ordered so: in number AOA, A is the most important and others not, but when the others can be changed with A remaining A or becoming E in case E is not posetive here, and with sharp infinity angles U and V, the smaller positions are cancelled by bigger. Thus, to achieve more normal number effects, you go one octave down or mention to use the same proportions to achieve exact effects; small r is usually used for these projective coordinates, because big R is infinities square on complex axe, so powerful number that completely new information bits, a free component or channel of possible frequencies definitely appears.
In Logecs Mathematecs, Laegna Mathemathecs, each number is symmetrical to it’s number axe - when you look from the other side of infinity, where on imaginary point V of all the limits numbers meet again in higher octave, creating an angle with new axe bits in the middle and connecting rather the limit values; keeping the original directions (not opposite, like - ending with +, which is a decimal Latin Latin problem); those symmetries meet infinities at infinities. when E is repeated in content and length, number squared or taken into fourth exponent level, the infinity side would close; and for V it’s most interesting what’s the exterior value of this number, where the interior value is sub-zero and not contained in X.
Z contains the sub-zero, and Y is above the infinity; Z is also past, the calculations which do not yet provide the solutions, investments not yet earning; where X is the active process on axes, which also hold here and now; and Y is the dimension where a good quality finally closes it’s Truth and evolves it’s Patterns, creating it’s conscious reality perhaps, which can not be lost because of Sanity meeting the Truth in Living Beings or in the Sum of Reality, Synchronicity or God, even if the Synchronicity has evolved and forms from patterns, directions and resolutions to unknowns satisfying the good fortune in every possible case; Y is when it’s closed, and when you affect some Y value in positive direction, other numbers almost cannot be compared - where you get lost in yang, the ideal, it suddenly breaks and you see that you need to be aware on the local direction, using the Root chakra to complement the Crown.